Forefathers' Eve
Mickiewicz's poetic drama interpreted by Lithuanian Master Eimuntas Nekrošius — theatre visionary known for his unique theatrical language.
Spirituality, power of rite, sense of community and tragedy of individual; the national and existential aspects.
Please mind that cigarette smoke appears in some scenes during the show.
director: Eimuntas Nekrošius
music: Paweł Szymański
set design: Marius Nekrošius
costume design: Nadežda Gultiajeva
lighting design: Audrius Jankauskas
dramaturgy: Rolandas Rastauskas
2016 – The Konrad Swinarski Award to Eimuntas Nekrošius for the best theatre director of 2015/2016 season for the direction of Forefathers' Eve
Grzegorz Małecki
Marcin Przybylski
Sorcerer, Devil, Devil-Publisher
Mateusz Rusin
Father Piotr
Wiktoria Gorodeckaja
Piotr Grabowski
Priest (part 4)
Kinga Ilgner
Mrs Rollison
Arkadiusz Janiczek
Bartłomiej Bobrowski
Frejend, Pelikan, Soul
Katarzyna Dorosińska
Soul, Youth (guest actor)
Karol Dziuba
Żegota, Soul, Youth, Soldier (guest actor)
Anna Grycewicz
Girl, Soul, Lady
Joanna Gryga
Zosia, Soul, Lady
Robert Jarociński
Niemojewski, Devil, Devil-Publisher
Paulina Korthals
Soul, Child, Angel
Grzegorz Kwiecień
Paweł Brzeszcz
Kacper Matula
Adolf, Soul, Prisoner, Youth
Kamil Mrożek
Sobolewski, Soul, Youth
Piotr Kramer
Sobolewski, Soul, Youth
Szymon Nowak
Soul, Prisoner, Devil, Devil-Publisher, Youth (guest actor)
Paweł Paprocki
Phantom / Ghost of Bad Lord, Doctor, Devil, Devil-Publisher
Piotr Piksa
Tomasz Zan, Soul, Youth, Soldier
Mateusz Kmiecik
Soul, Prisoner, Youth, Footman
Katarzyna Pośpiech
Soul, Youth, Ballerina (guest actor)
Paulina Szostak
Soul, Child, Angel
Magdalena Warzecha
Owl, Mrs Kmitowa
Production team
- director's assistant: Anna Turowiec
- sound technicians: Mariusz Maszewski, Marek Szymański, Hubert Majewski
- lighting technicians: Zbigniew Szulim, Bartłomiej Kaczalski
- stage manager: Adam Borkowski
- prompters: Anna Leszczyńska / Magdalena Markowska